Thursday, April 8, 2021

New Post - no content.

This is a new post to make sure the blog doesn't get deleted.

Anyone still reading this?


  1. I check in periodically. Found your blog after losing my dad to cancer in 2016. Your honesty helped normalize some of the complicated awfulness that is grief. I'm sorry you all had to endure it, but I'm grateful you shared.

  2. Hi there Mr. Strzalkowski! It’s Sydney Purczynski. I was coming here to read some old blog posts and saw this. I still do read your blog. It has helped me through my own experiences with grief, and your writing is fantastic. I’m still so sorry about Amelie.

  3. I will always love you and read what you write.

  4. I'm here. I check to see if you're still posting to let us know how you all are doing.
