Sunday, November 11, 2012

Picture Mania, as we are being PosITive!

We made a choice today to have a fun day, to do fun stuff.

We figured that if we weren't willing to dive back into the pool of "Life is good", like our shirts and hats say, then no one else was going to lead us there.  The weather was great, the sun was warm, and the kids were lusting for outside.  We helped them get there.

We were outside all morning, with Anya riding her balance bike.  She's definitely going to be ready for a traditional bike when we get past this winter.  She's on fire with the balance bike, which is just great to see.

After the morning, we came back in for lunch and naps.  While Amelie was sleeping, I was waylaid with some medical play, or "doctor up" as Amelie would say.

Anya took good care to me.  I told her that I had been run over by a herd of elephants, and needed some mending on my leg.

After naps, we were back outside.  We wanted to get a new set of pics with Amelie, because the chance of her getting an NG tube soon is very, very high.  They said once she loses 10% of her body weight, they'd be looking to do some sort of intervention.  She's pretty much there right now, with maybe .25% to go.

When I looked at this, I thought immediately that Amelie was doing some sort of soft shoe tap routine on the grass.  "Hey Everyone! It's Jazzzzzzzz......."

Look!  There's land over yonder!

Shelley has been operating at 5% or less for a few days now.  I thought she might need an aventure.
After the pictures, I hurried them into the car, and packed everyone in my plans.
Shelley says the words about liking surprises, but has this anxious asking questions thing that belies her uncomfortableness with spontaneity.

(She says that me saying that she isn't spontaneous is really not nice.  She says my ideas are sometimes kinda insane, and that she worries about the safety of the children and herself when I come up with my harebrained ideas.  She probably has some traction here, but I still have the right to completely ignore her concerns and fly headlong into whatever mad, mad plans I have...)

The Adler Family, when they were in their younger years, would frequently take road trips and do ice cream on the side of the road/in parks.  Grammie would keep an ice cream scoop in the car, and a package of ice cream cones.  They'd nip into a store and purchase a half-gallon of ice cream and then divvy it out.  I decided to secretly pull that one out today, in Howell.

The girls thought this idea was very, very good.  
Amelie (I keep thinking of her as Orange Smurf with that hat) loved the unending supply of ice cream we were throwing at her.  
Anya too...but Anya talks so much she doesn't get much ice cream into her mouth. 
Eat more, talk less.

Amie looks so profound.  As though the ice cream has brought her to a point of divine revelation.  Yes....chocolate peanut butter does = Angels in your mouth.

Amie was enjoying playing on the playset in the park in Howell.

Thought y'all might want to see how the surgery scar is healing.

Finally, here's the girls helping each other to enjoy a moment on the slide.  

It's totally indicative of how they play most of the time.  
Anya gets a bit bossy at times, but they really support each other.  

That's about it for tonight.  Going to disconnect and watch The Amazing Race.

Night All!

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