Saturday, September 29, 2012

Normalcy, Normalcy...oh how we adore you.

Not much to write about today, but sharing pics and video.

We celebrated our last weekend of normalcy by being boring. Boring is good.

We received a gift card from a long-lost former roommate of mine (Thanks Tif!) and the girls were treated to yummy donuts.  Amelie obviously enjoyed hers.  Anya ate hers so fast that we wondered if she had dropped it. Anya does not savor.

We were in East Lansing to go to some of our favorite places, but purposely avoided everyone we knew, because we really can't get Amelie sick before the chemo starts.  It's bad enough I'm sick, but I'm doing everything I can to avoid passing it to her.  
The kids loved playing on the structures at Patriarche Park in E.L.

I mentioned the bracelets a few posts ago, and wanted y'all to see what they look like.  Cool eh?

Finally, I mentioned the idea that Anya has been doing a lot of medical play, working out what is going on with Amelie in her own way.

The picture above is one she drew this morning of Amelie. 

I love that the pic on the right shows the surgery scar on the back of her head in a completely horrid way, with the Spinal Tap on the lower back....

...but when you look at the pic on the right, Amelie is totally smiling.

That's pretty much the way things are right now, and the way they ought to be.

Going to go to sleep like a normal person tonight, and not stay up until 1am being a numbskull.  Hope the weekend treats all of you well.

Anya and I are going to a birthday party tomorrow (Go Tristan!), while Shel and Amie have some alone time together. 


  1. So glad you got a day of family fun too! It was gorgeous and we did the same on our end :-) It's going to be quite a week ahead... hugs all around.

  2. Yay! It was a beautiful day for an E.Lansing outing! Glad you were all able to soak up some sunshine! Give those girls a smooch for me! XOXO
